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A Guide to the Reptiles &
Amphibians of the United States
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Abbreviation Legend

  • (CE) - Criticially Endangered
  • (CI) - Critically Imperiled
  • (E) - Endangered
  • (I) - Introduced
  • (IM) - Imperiled
  • (NT) - Near Threatened
  • (T) - Threatened
  • (V) - Vulnerable
  • (**) - Recent Classification Change
Home »» Introduced Species into the United States

The following is a listing of the species of Herpfauna that have been introduced into the United States.

Some of these species may be established and breeding while others are just observed in the wild (most likely an escapted pet).

Introduced Frogs & Toads

Introduced Turtles & Tortoises

Introduced Snakes

Introduced Lizards

Introduced Crocdilians