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Home »» Lizards »» Scincidae (Skinks) »» Moth Skink (Ornithuroscincus noctua)

Moth Skink (Ornithuroscincus noctua)Species of Least Concern

Classification: Introduced Species

Description: This small skink is easily identified by the pale, yellowish marking on the occiput, which is bordered with dark brown, and connects to a pale stripe running down the middle of the back. (The 'occiput' is the anatomical term for the back part of the skull). There is a broad, dark brown stripe on the flanks which is speckled with pale brown spots. The rest of the body is medium brown, and the tail is orange-brown. Its body is broad and its tail is thick and rounded in cross-section. Its limbs are short and slender, and its finger and toes are very short. Its scales are smooth and glossy.

Habitat: In disturbed areas it may be terrestrial in habits, but in good forest it is arboreal, and is often associated with the crowns of palms.

Range: In eastern Indonesia its range includes Sulawesi and Maluku. In western and central Pacific it is found on New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Fiji, Samoa, Cook Islands, Hawaii and many other smaller island groups.

Found in these States: HI

Diet: It is a 'sit and wait' predator feeding primarily on insects and is also viviparous.

Reproduction: Gives birth to live young instead of laying eggs.

Status: Assessed as Least Concern due to its extremely wide range across the Pacific, ability to occupy a wide variety of habitats including modified areas, lack of any major threats, and occurrence in a large number of protected areas.


»» Kingdom: Animalia - Animals
   »» Phylum: Chordata - Chordates
     »» Subphylum: Vertebrata - Vertebrates
       »» Class: Reptilia - Reptiles
         »» Order: Squamata - Lizards
           »» Family: Scincidae - Skinks
             »» Genus: Ornithuroscincus
               »» Species: Ornithuroscincus noctua - Moth Skink

This article uses material from the Wikipedia article "Ornithuroscincus noctua ", which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0. Content may have been omitted from the original, but no content has been changed or extended.





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Disclaimer: ITIS taxonomy is based on the latest scientific consensus available, and is provided as a general reference source for interested parties. However, it is not a legal authority for statutory or regulatory purposes. While every effort has been made to provide the most reliable and up-to-date information available, ultimate legal requirements with respect to species are contained in provisions of treaties to which the United States is a party, wildlife statutes, regulations, and any applicable notices that have been published in the Federal Register. For further information on U.S. legal requirements with respect to protected taxa, please contact the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

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