Abbreviation Legend
- (CE) - Criticially Endangered
- (CI) - Critically Imperiled
- (E) - Endangered
- (I) - Introduced
- (IM) - Imperiled
- (NT) - Near Threatened
- (T) - Threatened
- (V) - Vulnerable
- (**) - Recent Classification Change
Sea Turtles of the United States
Sea turtles are characterized by heart shaped, scute covered carapaces, paddlelike limbs with one of two claws, and, with the exception of the leatherback, are the largest living aquatic turtles.They swell in tropical waters, ranging into temperate zones in the summer.
Sea turtles mate in shallow water off the nesting beaches. The females come ashore two or more times a season to lay a hundred or more spherical, leathery shelled eggs in a deep cavity dug with her hind feet. After filling the nest they lumber back to the sea. Hatchlings struggle to escape from the sandy chamber and then must face a horde of predators while they try to make it to the seas. Few reach the haven of water and still fewer survive their first year.
There are only 5 species, representing 4 genus, of Sea Turtles found in the United States.