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Reptiles of the United States  
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A Guide to the Reptiles &
Amphibians of the United States
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Abbreviation Legend

  • (CE) - Criticially Endangered
  • (CI) - Critically Imperiled
  • (E) - Endangered
  • (I) - Introduced
  • (IM) - Imperiled
  • (NT) - Near Threatened
  • (T) - Threatened
  • (V) - Vulnerable
  • (**) - Recent Classification Change
Home »» Near Threatened Species of the United States

The following is a listing of the species of Herpfauna that are considered Near Threatened the United States.

Near Threatened Frogs & Toads of the United States

Near Threatened Turtles & Tortoises of the United States

Near Threatened Snakes of the United States

Near Threatened Lizards of the United States

Near Threatened Crocdilians of the United States