Abbreviation Legend
- (CE) - Criticially Endangered
- (CI) - Critically Imperiled
- (E) - Endangered
- (I) - Introduced
- (IM) - Imperiled
- (NT) - Near Threatened
- (T) - Threatened
- (V) - Vulnerable
- (**) - Recent Classification Change
Night Lizards (Xantusiidae) of the United States
Xantusiidae, or Night Lizards, are characterized by relatively flat bodies and heads. Their heads are covered by large, smoooth plates, while their bodies have rougher, granular skin. Their eyes, like those of snakes, are covered, by immoveable, transparent membranes that function as eyelids. They feed on insects and sometimes plants.
There are 8 species representing 1 genus found in the United States, all of which are native species.