Abbreviation Legend
- (CE) - Criticially Endangered
- (CI) - Critically Imperiled
- (E) - Endangered
- (I) - Introduced
- (IM) - Imperiled
- (NT) - Near Threatened
- (T) - Threatened
- (V) - Vulnerable
- (**) - Recent Classification Change
Rock or Wall Lizards (Lacertidae) of the United States
Lacertidae are small or medium sized lizards. Most species are less than 9 cm long, exclusing tail, although the largest living species, Gallotia stehlini, reaches 46 cm, and some extinct forms were larger still. They are primarily insectivorous. An exception is Meroles anchietae, one of a few wall lizards that reguluarly eat seeds.
There are 3 species, representing 2 genus found in the United States, all of which have been Introduced.