Abbreviation Legend
- (CE) - Criticially Endangered
- (CI) - Critically Imperiled
- (E) - Endangered
- (I) - Introduced
- (IM) - Imperiled
- (NT) - Near Threatened
- (T) - Threatened
- (V) - Vulnerable
- (**) - Recent Classification Change
Gila Monsters of the United States
The genus Heloderma contains the Gila Monster and four species of beaded lizards. The Gila Monster is a large, stocky, most of the time slow-moving reptile that prefers arid deserts. Beaded Lizards are seen to be more agile and seem to prefer more humid surroundings. The tails of all species of Heloderma are used as fat storage organs. The scales of the head, back and tail are bead-like, containing osteoderms for better protection. The scales of the belly are free from osteoderms. Most species are dark in color, with yellowish or pinkish markings.
There is 1 native species found in the United States